
Links to Private Data

Page history last edited by Lizzie Dunklee 13 years, 11 months ago

Other great data resources!



  • Practice Fusion Medical Research Data -  Practice Fusion provides the key information needed to power clinical research for drug interaction studies, disease outbreak monitoring and other public health projects. Top universities across the country use Practice Fusion's research information to power studies providing new insight into healthcare and how it is delivered. All research information utilized by Practice Fusion is de-identified and fully compliant with HIPAA.
  • Gallup-Healthways Well Being Index - The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index is the first-ever daily assessment of U.S. residents’ health and well-being. By interviewing at least 1,000 U.S. adults every day, the Well-Being Index provides real-time measurement and insights needed to improve health, increase productivity, and lower healthcare costs. These datasets represent aggregate survey data that are non-identifiable to the respondents and provide useful measures of consumer views over time. Developers, designers and experts can build applications that integrate these measures with other elements of consumer health to gain better insight into health policy implications, new products and services, and many other applications.
  •  First DataBank Data Request -  The NDDF Plus content that we are making available to you features a sample database of the 200 most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals in various formats including Microsoft Access® Sample Database and NDDF Plus standard tables and DDLs (for Oracle®, RDB, ANSI 92, SQL Server® and Sybase®). Also included are sample premium modules test files, sample drug images, sample XML Patient Education Monographs and NDDF Plus Documentation (in HTML format). It’s important to remember that this sample database may only be used for the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge.
  •  Pellucid Public View (Hospitals) - Pellucid is a combined dataset of multiple federal, state and non-government contributed datasets measuring several hundred indicators of health care, all normalised into one structure and additionally rolled up by area and system. The Public View is available under a creative commons license and among other things contains all the Medicare Hospital Compare data ever generated along with various pre-baked analyses (ranking, composite scores, significance); all the HCAHPS patient satisfaction survey data; about a dozen states' worth of AHRQ mortality, patient safety and quality indicators; reimbursement rates by condition; and for good measure we have a ton of census data matched up in the same data structure. The data is compiled by IPRO, a non-profit health care quality improvement organisation. Home Health and Nursing Homes coming soon.
  • World Bank Health Nutrition and Population Statistic- Provides key health, nutrition and population statistics gathered from a variety of international sources. Themes include population dynamics, nutrition, reproductive health, health financing, medical resources and usage, immunization, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, DALY, population projections and lending. 


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